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Community-Based Research at the Congress 2018 of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Regina


Community-Based Research Canada (CBRC) and the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE) with the cooperation of the Community-Based Research Unit of the University of Regina joined forces on May 26th to offer a day-long workshop on the Promises and Perils of Community-Based Research as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, the annual Canadian jamboree of academics from the many disciplines of the humanities and social sciences.  Twenty-five participants from across Canada and as far away as Japan and New Zealand were able to join in the conversations for the day.  While the focus was on allowing time for everyone to share their stories about institutional support for CBR, invited contributions were heard from: Tracy Sanden with the Saskatchewan Health Authority; Marc Spooner, a higher education specialist from University of Regina; Walter Lepore, UNESCO Chair in CBR-SR; Trish Elliott, from the CBR Unit at University of Regina; and Cindy Hanson, University of Regina, with learnings from the field of Adult Education.

The workshop was hosted by Drs. C. Hanson and Budd Hall, co-holder of the UNESCO Chair in CBR-SR. Walter Lepore presented the Chair’s new initiative entitled Knowledge for Change (K4C) Consortium and its Mentor Training Program. The workshop finalized with a group reflective writing activity and a circle of reflection on challenges, ways to move through challenges and pending questions about contemporary issues in CBR.

You can view the presentation given by Walter Lepore here: Canadian Congress 2018: Presentation given by Walter Lepore on ‘K4C & MTP’

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