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Declaration on the Role of Universities in the Implementation of the UN SDGs


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Date(s) - 15/11/2018
12:00 am

Conference of the International Association for Universities (IAU)

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Global Networks of Higher Education Institutions call for Action on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

A global collaboration amongst the most prominent regional and global networks in the field of university and higher education engagement known as the Big Tent group, has released a Declaration on the Role of Universities in the Implementation of the UN SDGs on the occasion of the IAU. The Talloires Network, The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) and the UNESCO CHAIR in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education are active members of the Big Tent group.

The Executive Director of the Talloires Network, Dr. Lorlene Hoyt, notes, “While history has positioned HEIs as key drivers of change, conversations about the role of higher education institutions (HEIs) in advancing the SDGs goals is in a nascent stage – we are working with members and partners around the globe to raise awareness and explore avenues for collective action.” Dr. Rajesh Tandon, Co-Chair of the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education based in India adds, “We believe that the combined intellectual, financial and physical resources of HEIs with academics, policy makers, funders, administrators and students when linked to community partners can have a significant positive impact on the implementation on the SDGs globally.” Dr. Josep Villalta, Director of the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi), notes, “Strengthening the focus of our members on the SDGs is a priority for our network”.

For further information on the Big Tent Declaration please contact: Brianda Hernandez (Brianda.Hernandez@tufts.edu) (The Talloires Network, Boston); Sumitra Srinavasn (sumitra.srinivasan@pria.org) (UNESCO Chair, New Delhi); and Marta Cayetano, GUNi, Barcelona (marta@acup.cat)

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