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President Andrew Petter’s Closing Remarks at C2UExpo, 2017


Professor Andrew Petter, President and Vice-Chancellor of Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada (which hosted the C2UExpo, 2017) delivered the closing address at the conference on May 5, 2017. C2UExpo, this year, emerged as a stimulating gathering of academics, community practitioners and others and explored innovative modes of community to university engagement. President Petter declared the conference closed by delivering a stimulating address. He outlined the importance of Higher Education Institutions (as anchor institutions in the society) in nurturing community connections and supporting community development. For this to happen, he reiterated the need for them to explore their responsibilities beyond their core roles as educational and research institutions.

The full address by President Petter can be accessed here: https://www.sfu.ca/pres/petterspeeches/2017/c2uexpo-2017-presidents-closing-remarks.html 

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