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IASACT Symposium, United Board

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Date(s) - 08/10/2021
9:30 am

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Dr. Tandon began his presentation by speaking of the three missions of higher education in the context of the pandemic. He stated that the Pandemic caused disruptions in our knowledge, and now societally responsive knowledge systems are pushing us to connect knowledge production and dissemination to regional priorities, to the needs of local communities. Only when you frame research questions for local priorities can you act upon them. By building relations of trust with local partners, researchers can contribute to local actions, local priorities, local adaptation and local recovery through multi-stakeholder approaches. He then discussed the purpose and design of the Knowledge for Change Global Consortium and discussed examples of how locally based hubs were addressing SDGs through local partnerships with their communities.

In the Q/A session, Dr. Tandon eloquently answered a question about “moving mountains through Participatory Research”, stating that we never move mountains alone, we move them through collaborations. In another question about “romanticising indigenous knowledge”, he answered that Indigenous knowledge is often in the form of rituals- we have to understand the meaning and message behind the rituals, their oral traditions and learn together in mutually respectful partnerships with them.

Find event flyer here.

Find Dr. Tandon’s ppt here.

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